Kitting Services

Kitting is a core component of modernization. Our kitting involves utilizing our advanced MRP software to procure, organize, and bag and tag material for easy field installation.

What is Kitting?

Kitting is the act of taking a Bill of Material (BOM) of any size and managing the procurement, organization, and shipment of that material. Often kits include, hardware, cables, custom metal, sub-assemblies, gaskets, and other complex material. Kitting simplifies ordering for our customers. This service reduces ordering from a 100+ line BOM down to 1. This simplification provides our customers with a single source for a wide variety of material. With our network of suppliers in Southern California we provide reach into a wide range of made-in-the-USA material. Our kitting provides our customer with reduced overhead, simplified operations, and increased field efficiency

Custom Kitted Solutions

Advantages of Kitting

Reduce Overhead

Procurement, QA/QC, and inventory management has a lot of hidden overhead costs. By decreasing BOM complexity and simplifying the order requirements down to a single line we can reduce those costs for our customers.

Simplify Operations

Our kitting services simplify our customers operations by consolidating ordering. Reducing the amount of lines our customers have to order by, some times, hundreds of lines. Customer operations teams then only hand to store, handle, and use a single kit instead of handle, track, and manage hundreds of small screws, washers, metal, and more.

Increase Efficiency

With simplified operations comes an increase in efficiency. Having all material organized with a simple, common label provides installers with a kit to install efficiently.

Looking for Kitted Solutions?

Looking for ways to reduce overhead? Simplify your BOM? Contact us to start improving your product and process.

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